Thanks a lot i am a c.a ....after 4.5years of my hardwork.....i know wen people fail they do blame the institue for slashing....failing...etc. etc. i completely agree wd it cos if i wud hve been in the same position my attitude would have been the same to be very honest.....but i never failed and got thru in first my attitude is different....i am not saying i never blamed the institute ever in mah life... i did and nt once, twice, thrice but several times.....but guys wat i feel is that we should stop playing the blame game and should ignore the failures and move ahead....i am able to write it because i am on the safer side.....its true but bitter words that we need to move ahead and leave aside our failures....wishing all the very best to my friends who failed this time infact they dint fail but it wasnt their day yesterday.....may be u hve a great oppurtunity ahead,,,,,,,,god bless and wish u became c.a. asap...amen!!!!!
Thanks a lot ICAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C.A. abhishek (ManagementConsultant@KPMG ) (521 Points)
20 July 2011