Adjustment of CST against VAT

Page no : 2

Mukeshh Agarwal (E-solutions) (129 Points)
Replied 21 June 2011

Everyone thanks for valuable inputs.

But the problem is  I m incurring 2% extra cost on my purchases. Also I have to pay entry tax.

Is there a way I can cut down this to 1% or null other than using the stock transfer method.


Dev K Sharma (Learning Thru Experience)   (157 Points)
Replied 21 June 2011

No u cannot adjust CST paid on purchase with VAT payable.....

U can adjust CST payable against INPUT TAX CREDIT...........

Aparna Raja K.C (Student) (520 Points)
Replied 24 June 2011

CST cannot be adjusted against VAT Paid...

But it can be adjusted against ST paid (if any )

Sarat Kumar Sahoo (Chartered Accountant) (389 Points)
Replied 27 September 2012

If we Purchase Goods from Orissa @ 2% CST and Sold to West Bengal @ 2% CST. Can we claim Input CST Credit against output CST? Busines in State of Andra Pradesh.

ashish gupta ( student) (1922 Points)
Replied 28 September 2012

No you cant take input of cst

Sarat Kumar Sahoo (Chartered Accountant) (389 Points)
Replied 28 September 2012

Ashih Gupta Why not?

I known it is not allow as per ACT.

But Input CST and Out CST are belongs to Central GOV even if we purchase one state and sold to another state, then why not credit allowed. It is layman thinking.


ashish gupta ( student) (1922 Points)
Replied 29 September 2012

CST does not belong to central govt. It is revenue of state govts only

Raj Kushwa (2 Points)
Replied 20 April 2017

Respected Sir,

It MEans that all the output vat should be paid the proper value of output isn' it?

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