how was advance accounting exam today???
was it easy or tough
please share
Arniv Sharda (CA Final) (3006 Points)
11 May 2011how was advance accounting exam today???
was it easy or tough
please share
(98 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
Ya we are very eager to know about today's paper. because it commences the IInd group for IPCC. As first group was an unexpected one. And very eager to know how about this group.
(Chartered Accountant)
(4775 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
It was an easy one. But left the amalgamtion problem. Overall a good paper.
Harsha Guttal.
(Practising Professional)
(42 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
ha! finally one good paper after series of unexpected ones !! it was fine for me. :)
rahul kumar
(Article assistant)
(67 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
1st half ended with a great suspense...!!!!
start of 2nd half was cooolll....advanced accounts paper was easy.....
bt if da same trend continues lyk da 1st part dn we hav to strive hard 4 da rest 2 papers..........
lets hope da trend of 1st part doesnt occur.....!!!!!!!!!!
Hardik Dave
(IPCC and CS Professional(FINAL) Student)
(15533 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
(54 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
wat icai actually asked in q no. 1(a). anybody got the ans. plz share.
Reena Verma
(CA Finalist)
(417 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
(8316 Points)
Replied 11 May 2011
Abhishek Goel
(C.A. Final Student)
(193 Points)
Replied 12 May 2011
@ kaustubh and Nishant
have a look at the attachment u will come to know
its a copy question from the module..............
(22 Points)
Replied 12 May 2011
please help me....
In yesterday's Accounts-II paper , in that internal Reconstruction problem they hav given that Re.100 paid up was divided into 10 fully paid-up of Re.10 ..and in de next step they said dat 50% of dat sub-divided shares were surrendered ...n from dat 1000 pref shares were i knew dat it was a mistake n i assumed that 10000 shares of 100 each were sub-divided into "10 each of 100000 shares" n from those 50000 shares were surrendered n so on ....wen i did in dat way ...balance sheet tallied (870500-bal sheet amt)for me.... so do i get marks for such assumption....