Details to be mentioned on company documents w.e.f 1.4.2014
It is to bring to your kind knowledge that w.e.f 01.04.2014 as per Notified section 12 of the New Companies Act 2013, every company shall comply with the following requirements:
1) Paint or affix its name and address of registered office, outside every offices of the
2) get its name, address of its registered office and the Corporate Identity Number (CIN)
along with telephone number, fax number, if any, e-mail and website addresses, if any,
printed in all its business letters, billheads, letter papers and in all its notices and
other official publications;
3) get its name printed on hundies, promissory notes, bills of exchange and such other
documents as may be notified by Central Government from time to time.
Also, in case where the company has changed its name during last 2 years, it shall
also print former name along with its current name under Sr. no. 1 & 2 mentioned above.
Penalty for non-compliance : Rs.1,000/- for every day during which the default continues but not exceeding Rs.1,00,000/-.