I work for a private firm and my total annual income (with out any deduction or excemption) is 8.32 Lacs.
Below is my 'Projected Annual Tax Information'
* Annual Income in below Table is after considering all exemption.
So the total tax payable is 39,540/-Year after considering all excemption.
Below are my current investment details
1. 63, 200 = 53,000(LIC)+ 10,200 (Payroll) in 80C
2.19,780 in 80D
So my questions are below
1) How can I legally avoid paying above tax projected?
2) I know I'm eligible for an investment of another 86,800 (1,50,000 - 63, 200) as per 80C. Can anyone suggest me the best investment options available here?
I'm paying almost 36,000 as income tax since last 3 years.So desperately looking for a solution :-(