Originally posted by : Nitin Moudgil |
but ma'm depriciation is already having depriciation deducted in P&L format??? why to deduct the same twice???? I am confused here only |
nitin !!! final !!! depriciation is a non cash expenditure ,whatever profit transactions u have done in year , its effect has gone into total assetsby creation of additional asssets in form of debtors,cash,investments or purchase of assets, so lets say if u dont charge depriciation and transfer whole Profit before depriciation to capital the B/S will tally anyways. but now since u r charging depriciation so assets wll reduce by that amount and so will the profits. so instead of full profit u will add (profit less depriciation) to capital..so value equivalent to depriciation has reduced from both the sides.
in ur case if 100 is profit before depriciation & F.A 80 is after depriciation,u deduct 20 from 100 and thus add 80 to capital / p&l, on liability side.