Depressed please help

Abrar (CA Final) (61 Points)

08 August 2014  

Im 26 M..Today as I checked my result I lost again in my finals both groups..Life is testing me big time..Since May 12 I  attempted 2nd group.I always reached close to clear the papers .In Nov 12 I reached 195 and I failed to clear the group,I scored 59 in IDT and 55 in isca.I was depressed with result,then took courage for May 13. I presumed giving both group may help me clear my papers but as the first group syllabus was new to me I lost the entire both group. In Nov13,I was aware about both group but I lost in aggregate. May 14 attempt I gave both groups.Issue arises as the syllabus of second group was always amended and needed revision.I could not cover entire syllabus revision. I was always found of theory subjects but my practical subject caused me problem. ISCA and IDT  always scored above 55 I did well.I always loved Audit and Law but that dint help me clear well.For this November 14 attempt I am depressed as my strength law and isca is almost changed. I cant take up one group now coz what I studied in other group will be totally forgotten as I attempt it later. I have revised both group well so I fear writing one group only.Some times I wonder I should quit but I don’t want to give up so easily.Please guide me what decision shall I take about groups.