I want to know whether depreciation is to charged or not on assets kept in dismantled condition for a temporary phase under Companies Act.
Gajanan Asha Vilas Badve (service) (47 Points)
20 April 2009I want to know whether depreciation is to charged or not on assets kept in dismantled condition for a temporary phase under Companies Act.
Milan Somani
(1456 Points)
Replied 20 April 2009
it depends on the situation, just elaborate it more.
Ankur Saravia
(53 Points)
Replied 07 May 2009
For charging Depreciation as per Companies Act, 1956 to calculate depreciation for particular number of days; Which date we have to consider Purchase Date i.e. Invoice Date or Put to Use Date to Year end Date?
(21 Points)
Replied 11 January 2012
i am working with pvt ltd comapny which was recently floted in pvt ltd company from a firm, now my question is that the deperciation calculated at the yera end is to be cahrged to asset or to keep in deperciation reserve