Depreciation rate
Sandeep Shirke (Accounts Executive) (118 Points)
03 July 2014Sandeep Shirke (Accounts Executive) (118 Points)
03 July 2014
Vishwajeet Dixit
(CA Practice)
(21 Points)
Replied 03 July 2014
Yes the rates for Depreciation are different in Companies Act and Income Tax Act. The companies i.e. Pvt Ltd and/or Public Ltd. needs to provide Depreciation as per the rates specified in Companies Act, whereas all other concerns like HUF, Propeirtorship, Partnership etc needs to provide Depreciation as per Income Tax Act.
For rates you can check the attached sheet
(1668 Points)
Replied 03 July 2014
yes depreciation rate is different from companies act and income tax act.
rates for companies act :
rates for income tax : T M L
after charging depreciation cxalculate deferred tac as per as-22.
(Audit Executive)
(711 Points)
Replied 06 July 2014
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