any type of expenditure allowed as expense in profit and loss account which related for business/profession. so in the above case if the advocate uses both scooter and car for his profession only then u can claim full depriciation and interest as well as maintanance expenses for both scooter and car. but he uses for personal use then expenditure at the time of personal use not allowed for business expenditure as well as proporationate of interest and expenditure. However the ITO not satisfied about the expenditure on car and scooter used for business use then he can add back to the income at the time of assessment
For example: mr.A has both car and scooter. He used car for 50 days for his personal use and expensed rs.5000 at the time of personal uses of car in the F.Y.2008-09. so the expenditure rs.5000 is personal nature should be debited to capital a/c or drawings a/c not for p&l a/c as well as depriciation and interest for 50 days is also personal nature
Thank you