Depreciation accounting- urgent query !! pls help !!

Nehal (CA Final Student) (38 Points)

10 May 2011  

Suppose, On 1 jan,2010 , a bank created Rs. 100 of assets -software. But on 31st March,2011 the bank depreciates full value (Rs 100)as the bank thought that software generated is of no use. (As it was not serving the purpose for which it was created)
Then in the next year on 10th april,2011 (After balance sheet was signed) bank reversed the depreciation to the extent of 30% (rs 30 ) on the ground that that software can be used for Some other purpose to the extent of 30% .
So whether any AS deals with the same?

Is this a valid practice under any of the applicable AS for year 2010-2011 ? Pls clarify .