Q=The written down value of plant and machinery in the books of Alpha Ltd. is Rs.
75,00,000 as on 1st April, 2010, on which date, the installed capacity of the company was 12,000 tons. Alpha Ltd. borrowed Rs.10,00,000 @ 10%p.a. from ICICI Bank on
1.8.2010 for purchase of new plant and machinery for extension of its existing
business, which would increase its installed capacity to 13,000 tons. The new plant
and machinery was purchased on the same date but was put to use only w.e.f.
1.11.2010. Compute the depreciation admissible under section 32 for the A.Y.2011-
12, assuming the applicable rate of depreciation on plant and machinery to be 15%.?
Dhruv (Student CA-IPCC) (68 Points)
17 October 2011