Demand due to non mentioning Regn.No.of trust u/s 12AA in the ITR.

S B UNNIpro badge (TAX PRACTITIONER) (45 Points)

14 September 2024  

One of my client, who  is a trust, duly registered u/s 12AA of IT Act filed their i ITR for 19-20 AY without mentioing the Reg.No.u/s 12A already issued long back. The trust was filing their returns since last 20 years with Regn.No. Due to oversight they did not mention the Regn.No. in 19-20 in their ITR. No reply was also given to the department for the defects mentioned by them through notice. The expenses claimed by the trust was disallowed and a huge demand was created. Rectification application was filed thrice, but of invain. How can the trust cancel the demand created due to a minor mistake of not mentioning the Regn.No.