Originally posted by : kunal |
If a pvt ltd company is a subsidiary of a public company, can it affix "PVT LTD" to its name ? Any return to be filed with ROC ? Can it have 2 directors, shareholders and a capital of 1 lakh ? |
A private company which a subsidiary of a public company does not cease to be a ‘private company’ because of Secion 3(1)(iv)(c), unlike a private company which has been converted into a public company under Section 44 of the Companies Act. Section 44(1) of the Companies Act provide that if a private company alters its articles of association in such a manner that they no longer include such provisions which constituted it to be a private company then it shall as on date of such alteration to the articles of association, cease to be a private company. However, no such provision has been made for a company falling under Section 3(1)(iv)(c) of the Companies Act.
Upto my understanding, you should write your name as it was incorporated (suppose ABC Pvt. Ltd.), no need to increase minimum number of DIrectors or paid up capital because of said provision.
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