IF we declare dividend from the profit of 2011-12 profit and loss account should we provide for it in the same financial statements
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Yes you have to provide in appropriations including dividend distribution tax.
deepali agarwal
(Company Secretary)
(1289 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
For declaring dividend ICSI has issued an SS-3 and coording to it:
(Internal Auditor)
(334 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Please clarify how come it possible as the amount of dividend is declared on the AGM in which the Financial statements for the year is considered. Is it posible to alter the financial statements audited and signed by CA which is approved in AGM to include that provision
deepali agarwal
(Company Secretary)
(1289 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
U r absolutely right..It is obviously not possible to alter the audited financial reports but i am assuming that it is already declared in ur AGM because without it we cant declare dividend...
(Internal Auditor)
(334 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Sorry to ask again but it is still not clear to me as to the following
1. FS signed by CA is a must to convene AGM
2. Dividend is declared on that AGM as recomended by BOD
3. Then how can we made a provision in a balance sheet of all such fomailities are completed
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