De-stress from stress....!!!

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)

21 April 2013  


How to cope with stree?


In today’s competitive environment, a student’s life is prone to high level of pressures from peers, family, friends and relatives, neighbor’s et al. The pressure is mainly about clearing the CA examination at the very earliest. The pressure is so severe, that many students find it tough to handle.

The student undergoing the CA course is no different from others, but he or she has to carry that extra burden of societal pressures. They constantly are reminded of the progress made in their career, about clearance of the examination. One wonders many a times whether a medical or an engineering student is far better than a CA student is. Yes, every course is uniquely designed and gives its own set of ideals about life.

Let us all accept, that stress is an unavoidable part of life. We are bound to face it in many designs and patterns day in and day out. The challenges caused by stress help to develop new skills and behavior patterns. The problems occur, however, when the level of stress is excessive. It can become destructive and can turn into distress, and some may go through a nightmare. Too much stress on your mind and body can make you feel miserable, worried, depressed, sad and sick.






What Is Stress?


According to a high school psychology textbook, stress is "a particular pattern of disturbing psychological and physiological reactions that occur when an environment event threatens important motives and taxes one's ability to cope."

In plain English, stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment.

However, not all stress is bad -- some stress is good. In fact, everyone needs stress in his or her lives; without it, life would be dull and unexciting. Stress adds flavor, challenge and opportunity to life. Stress can pump you up, give you energy, supply that zest for living.


It is a feeling, created when we react to particular events. It is the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. Thus, we can say it is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand, which may be both good and bad experiences. 



What Causes Stress?


Many different things can cause stress -- from physical (such as fear of something dangerous) to emotional (such as worrying about your performance in the examination). Identifying what causes stress is often the first step in learning how to better equip with stress.



How Does Stress Affect You?

Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under tremendous pressure become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns.



How to cope with stress during Examination time?






The exam period is a time when the stress levels are higher than usual. Stress can be positive, helping you to stay motivated and dedicated. However, too much stress can be obstructive; it can make you feel confused, exhausted and Jittery.


It's important to try and keep things in perspective and find ways of reducing stress if things seem to be getting on top of you. 



Exam anxiety can be perceived in two different ways: 


1. Ineffective way of handling, inevitable stress BEFORE an exam;

2. A strong emotional reaction of fear, that interferes with the thinking clearly DURING the exam.



The most common indicators of stress can be attributed TO:- 

§     Poor attention and inability to concentrate

§     Lower reading comprehension

§     Fear of failing before the exam is even written

§     Memory blocks or “blanking out” on things that you have studied

§     Though of giving up your examination

§     Physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, etc.,


These symptoms can also appear as you study for exams. In order to overcome exam anxiety, you need to work on what you have control over when it comes to exams how you study, what you study, etc., and not worry about what you can’t control (viz., the kinds of questions, number of questions, how other students perform, etc.). 



Exam Anxiety Tips 

Be Prepared Early –

The most common cause of exam anxiety is lack of preparation for the exam. Set up a study schedule at least three weeks before your exam. You may find that you actually need to start studying very early due to other commitments. Planning ahead also assists you to avoid cramming which can be a major cause of exam anxiety. 


Sleep Well –

Regular sleep is one of the best ways to control stress. Getting up and going to bed each day at the same times ensures that your body and brain are getting the rest they need for optimal functioning. Some reports indicate that Students who follow a regular sleeping pattern perform 30% better than students who stay up late or get up too early to study do. 


balanced intake of food –

Eating habits needs to be balanced during the examination time. One has to take lot of liquids like fresh fruit juice, tender coconut etc to keep their body in moderate condition especially during summer months. Don’t increase or decrease the amount of coffee, tea, energy drinks or cola that you normally drink as your body and brain are accustomed to getting a certain amount. Keep things in your life as stable as possible, especially during exam time. 


Learn Relaxed Breathing exercise –

When you display any symptoms of anxiety during studying or during the exam, use relaxed breathing to calm yourself. Take your attention away from the task and take a few slow breaths. Say to yourself, “calm and relaxed” as you exhale. Practice relaxed breathing before exams. 

Don’t Study the Night Before –

Studying the night before an exam causes your anxiety level to increase. Unfortunately, it doesn’t decrease when you go to sleep. Reduce anxiety by taking the evening off to relax – watch TV, play table tennis, swimming etc., (choose to do things which relaxes your brain and keep you calm) 


Review your notes –

If it causes you anxiety NOT to study the night before an exam, review the main themes of the course earlier in the day. Of course, that implies that you should have already studied well. 


Find Out Exactly What is Going to be on the Exam – 


A good class syllabus will identify that for you – check it out and note the readings that go along with the exam topics. Collect all pertinent information and materials. 


Have a Plan before the Exam –

As part of your studying, think about how you will approach the exam, and what you will do when you run into trouble. Having a plan in place will assist you to worry less about failing, and help you to concentrate more on passing. A plan may include; read and understand the instructions before you start the exam (comprehension), budget your time according to the questions (time management), write something for every question even when stuck, review and make corrections and stay until the end. 


Aim to Do Your Best –

Often, students start thinking negatively when things aren’t going well on an exam. This can lead to lower self-confidence and increased self-doubt. Recognize and turn off your negative internal dialogue. Focus on the task instead of on yourself. Do not try for perfection – aim to do your very best. 



Look After Yourself –

Regular exercise and a healthy diet (plenty of fruit and vegetables) reduces your stress levels and improve concentration. Time you invest in these activities will result in better quality study. 


Never discuss the paper after examination –

It is a tendency amongst students to either refer the material for solution or discuss with their peers about a particular question, which was a surprise package in the exam. In all circumstances, such a move to discuss should be averted and the energy must be channelized for the next exam on hand.


Think Positive -

No matter what is your level of preparation, always say to yourself that, I know how to answer a particular question if it appears in the examination. The body language must be very positive and you should be mentally prepared to answer any thing that comes in the examination. So, always think positive and give your best.