Data Audit to protect ur Co!

CA Nikita (Chartered Accountant) (4158 Points)

08 October 2007  
Top 5 Ways Data Audits Will Protect Your Company

1. When organizations proactively protect their
intellectual property, they can significantly reduce
their risk and the consequences of online compromise.
While security breaches put finances and reputations
on the line, regulatory non-compliance ramifications
are quite arguably the most detrimental. Today's
businesses and organizations must maintain extensive
documentation to remain compliant with government
regulations like HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley and
Gramm-Leach- Bliley.

2. An effective data audits will integrate digital
inventory practices with clear accountability trails
and consequences should security be compromised.

3. Audits mitigate risk while providing a transparent
access trail along with details showing any structural
and transactional changes. So recovery is faster,
easier and more cost-effective.

4. Audits help administrators monitor activities in
real time, so data can be located and taken offline
before major consequences occur.

5. The mere existence of data auditing processes can
deter thieves, curtail misuse and ensure employees
think longer before they act.