CS Result through Email - December 2010 Session

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)

22 February 2011  

Result function val_rollno(theForm) { var checkOK = "0123456789-"; var checkStr = theForm.roll.value; var allValid = true; var allNum = ""; if(theForm.roll.value=="") { alert("Blank value is not allowed"); theForm.roll.focus(); theForm.roll.select(); return (false); } if(theForm.email.value=="") { alert("Blank value is not allowed"); theForm.email.focus(); theForm.email.select(); return (false); } for (i = 0; i < checkStr.length; i++) { ch = checkStr.charAt(i); for (j = 0; j < checkOK.length; j++) if (ch == checkOK.charAt(j)) break; if (j == checkOK.length) { allValid = false; break; } allNum += ch; } if (!allValid) { alert("Please enter only digit characters in the \"Roll No\" field."); theForm.roll.focus(); theForm.roll.select(); return (false); } else { theForm.action="em_result.asp"; theForm.submit(); } return (true); }



Get the Result through email

December 2010 Session

Syllabus / Course


Roll No