Thanx to all.
Please tell how will i get to know when ADP is happening and this programme is for 25 hours duration na?? then whats the allocation in days wise??
and before completing EDP can i proceed with ADP...
CS Pankaj Khanna (C.S) (521 Points)
07 May 2010Thanx to all.
Please tell how will i get to know when ADP is happening and this programme is for 25 hours duration na?? then whats the allocation in days wise??
and before completing EDP can i proceed with ADP...
Shruti Chawla
(258 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010
enroll with your chapter office or if no ADPs are conducted there , with your regional council and pay the fees.They aould then inform you about the ADPs happening. Ideally you must compelet them along with your traiing only. You have to attend 3 ADPs of 8 hours each.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)