I worked on tally but don't create stock items but when I tested it in purchases voucher by using Alt+c and gave it the term 'keyboard' the only classification is stock in hand or current assets.
Why is tally multiple?
Yasaswi Gomes new (Finance ) (4545 Points)
16 June 2023Hi
I worked on tally but don't create stock items but when I tested it in purchases voucher by using Alt+c and gave it the term 'keyboard' the only classification is stock in hand or current assets.
Why is tally multiple?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183074 Points)
Replied 16 June 2023
You have to opt for Accounts with inventory.
Secondly, you have to create ledgers for inventory items, in similar fashion as in revenue accounts.
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 16 June 2023
Your awesome like always which I'm allowed say here on comments. I knew my interview was correct but the tally is customised
Receivables process:
Alt g and alt F8- sales order. Fill the details with ne reference
Alt g and alt F8- delivery note. Give the voucher number and the data will auto populate plus against reference
Sales voucher f8 - give the voucher number and data auto populates against the reference number
Finally f6- give the voucher number and it auto populates against the reference voucher number
Payables process:
Alt g + alt f4
Fill details and save
Alt g + alt f9 becomes your receipt note and give voucher number to auto populate date
F9 and give voucher number to auto populate
Finally, f5 payment giving voucher number and the job is complete.
Is that so hard? Many people don't know student mode doesn't give outstanding payable and receivables. Not until my process is adhered to.
Stock item creation is necessary for sales and purchases.
(goods that you manufacture or trade (sell and purchase).
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 16 June 2023
But alt c doesn't work in f8 & f9. It's funny
("Do the Right Thing...!!!")
(128096 Points)
Replied 16 June 2023
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 16 June 2023
That depends on what mode your operating alt h within a voucher
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 16 June 2023
Just for laughs and gags! Tally has become jazzy. Some say it has voucher mode, accounting invoice mode and invoice mode while I worked on item invoice mode. Nothing is clear on web. However, alt c works for all fields in the main window for all modes.
("Do the Right Thing...!!!")
(128096 Points)
Replied 17 June 2023
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 17 June 2023
Someone needs retraining in the corporates on tally prime. It's clearly available (alt c) is a universal hotkey/shortcut in tally student and real modes