Dear All,
I think that we have dicussed much about this, its time to mail this subject to our President - ICAI.....probably he might react on this...
Jeeth Kochar
(92 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
Dear All,
I think that we have dicussed much about this, its time to mail this subject to our President - ICAI.....probably he might react on this...
komal nemani
(CA Final CS Executive Student)
(141 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
agreed the fees is less den other courses but still dey just provide us wid d modules which r often nt properly updated.
(3008 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
can anybody know about the date of this press release
ankur chopra
(41 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
In C.PT. many student give the exams & Pass & Give unnecessary burden in pcc . So Institute Increase the fees . But At a same time it should not kept this money on its own hand but increase the stipend &provide facilities
Max Payne
(2574 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
Originally posted by :rashmi shaw...soon to be CA | ||
" | pls say whts d fees of doing MBA,DOCTORATE or other profesional courses. u r juz thinkng dat its a postal course so b4 saying dat compare the course fees of other correspondence coures,ICAI is still cheaper n my frnds,look wht ICAI is giving us....nw its helding campus placements....convocation ceremony n all d courses u r doing r subsidized ICAI is not a profit making institution,pls do remember dis,once u all passout u will b able to understand wht u r getting at such a low cost.. |
" |
Yes u r right, but please see that postal MBA, postal LLB etc cost nothing compared to postal CA.
(387 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
I agree that it is cheaper than the other courses...... But this hike is too much. From 3500 to 6000....Wat the hell is this???? They could hv raise upto 4000 or 4500. Not more than that.
md fathah
(278 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
I think they deside to convert as Expensive course from Knowledgeable course is it.....!?
(CA pcc student)
(521 Points)
Replied 24 August 2009
they just decided to take out each penny from students & their parents pocket.
why don't they increase membership fee, as they are established they will able to pay hike amt.
why only student are becoming target of icai? they just exploiting us
Ashish M
(Chartered Accountant)
(2731 Points)
Replied 25 August 2009
they don't bother about increasing the minimum limit of stipend for articles, but now and then increase fee and that too by such high ratio...............