CPT: Newbie needs your help

Rajendra (MD) (70 Points)

20 August 2009  

Hi Experts,

I am a newbie here..As all of you guys I share the same dream.

I have done a bit of research of the processes and thigns to do but still some questions struck my mind. Please answer those when you guys got some time.

My background:

BTech,MS graduate with 8 yrs of IT experience and aged 30+ living abroad.

1)  With the new pattern (after I learned that there was an old pattern ) I still need to do from CPT

2) For CPT, is it recommended to attend a few classes for the commerce subjects or self study is enuf?

3) To take CPT next year , I need to register before ?

4) Coaching centers in south (BLR or CHENNAI/HYD) for CPT? a short crash course and then on with self practice with books/materials.?

I know these are quite a few but you know the starting anxiety will be there..

I am gonna start a blog with all the info later for helping people like me who come new to the club.

thanks and cheers
