Hi Everyone
Plz help me deciding whether CPA ICFAI is good or not.
What are the job opportunities after CPA ICFAI n in which all industries??
Thanks In Advance
Waiting for your Replies>>
Jeet Biswas
(ACMA (in Service))
(5073 Points)
Replied 11 January 2009
Pls avoid even Thinking Abt it, leave alone doing it....
the original CPA is CPA frm AICPA. ICFAI has jst copied the name and created a 2year course. If u really want 2 do CPA, better do it frm AICPA.
(44682 Points)
Replied 14 January 2009
As per jeet its correct, doing in icfai its totally waiste pls think correctly and do it..all the best
Asha S
(Director - www.cpachamps.com)
(193 Points)
Replied 15 January 2009