I do not like to advise any body still want to give you, as I found some similiarities in you with me.
You are just 25, In western countries , this is time when people usually decide their carrer,, Lateral learning is a common thing.
Live the life do not have the feeling of guilty,come out of this complex
After three year you will be 28 It will go on increasing,
You have your own life and live as you want, you want to do ca do it, what other think does not matter they are also preoccupied about their problems in life.
Knowledge matters and you are a old horse in this field , take benefit of that
make a strong mind. do not deley things and do not listen to your lazy heart.
There is only one way you have to move forward. With your firm you will only get respect in society. with regards to your personal problem it is false feelings created by your mind to give you excuse to be blind about the reality.