Hi Friends,
I am appearing for both groups this time but will be concentrating on only one (i.e. Group 2) since I have an exemption in ISCA.
I have fairly prepared for IDT. With regards to DT preparation, I would say it isn't bad either. The problem is with AMA only.
1. So far I have only finished QT.
2. Planning to leave Standard costing since I am not aiming for any exemption in this subject.
3. Now what other chapters should I concentrate? Can you please give me a order in which to read the remaining chapters. Please also mention the difficuly level while naming the chapters. I would like to start with easy ones first for better coverage.
4. I am only aiming for 50 marks (since I only need aaverage of 43 marks to clear this group)
P.S. Starting with Transfer pricing today. Might finish it tonight and read Uniform Costing & Inter Firm Comparison, Cost Sheet, Profitabilty Analysis and Comparison