Cost & energy audits now mandatory for maharashtra sugar co-

ACMA-ICAI (DGM-Global Voice Business)   (1052 Points)

27 February 2012  

Cost & energy audits now mandatory for Maharashtra sugar co-operatives



PUNE: The Maharashtra government has made it mandatory for the co-operative sugar industry to perform cost and energy audits. This, if implemented seriously, is expected to save crores of rupees of the co-operatives.

Maharashtra is the country's top sugar producer, having a turnover of about Rs 25,000 crore. The industry is concentrated in the co-operative sector which is controlled by political leaders.

High level of inefficiency is one of its features and the industry often gets financial support from the state and Nabard.

"We decided to make it mandatory for the sugar mills to do the cost audit because it is mandatory for the private sugar mills," Sugar Commissioner Vijay Singhal said.