Wheather a company whose Form 23 AC is non Xbrl and there is need to file its Cost audit compliance report to ROC should file its Cost audit compliance report in XBRL format ? Thanks in advance..........
divyakrishnan (Chartered Accountant) (92 Points)
02 January 2013Wheather a company whose Form 23 AC is non Xbrl and there is need to file its Cost audit compliance report to ROC should file its Cost audit compliance report in XBRL format ? Thanks in advance..........
Rahul Jain
(Rahul Jain & Associates. (Cost Accountants))
(795 Points)
Replied 08 January 2013
Yes there is no min. crieteria for Cost Audit/Compliance filing in XBRL.
All the Cost reports to be filed only in XBRL irrespective of turnover/any other factor.