Which is better course CFq which is offered by Institute of charted accountany england and wales or an CFA US.?
(30 Points)
Replied 27 April 2011
Corporate finance qualifiction and CFA are both different strings of the guitar ....... both run parallel to each other .... no doubt both earn the same .... but first decide if u wanna go into corporate finance (M&A , valuations , due diligence , project finance ,etc ) or equity research , portfolio mgmt , dervatives ,etc
Keep in touch
(30 Points)
Replied 09 May 2011
I wanna develope my career in corporate finance but not sure whether to go with CFq or not . will it be worth doing it .
(30 Points)
Replied 10 May 2011
Obviously ...... CFq will be a better option because it is more into due diligence , m& a part .... u a chartered accountant ?? CFA is good no doubt but it will be more into market related stuff .....
Keep in touch !!
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