what are the legal requirement for corporate annual report. is there any Section in companies Act 1956 governing corporate annual report?
Ashish periwal (na) (49 Points)
10 August 2012sir,
what are the legal requirement for corporate annual report. is there any Section in companies Act 1956 governing corporate annual report?
Pavan Zavar
(57 Points)
Replied 10 August 2012
I would like to know the type of company (Public/ Private, Listed/ Unlisted) for which you are going to prepare Annual Report.
The general content of Annual Report of Annual Report are as follows:
Notice of AGM along with Explanatory Statements.
Composition of Board, Committee Composition, Company Secretary, Auditors, Solicitors, Registrar & Share Transfer Agents.
Graphical presentation of BS, P&L, Company Information, Organizational Structure, National - International Networks of Company, Product details.
Qualification, Experience of Director Board.
Message/ Words from Chairman/ Board.
Directors Report.
Report of Company Secretary.
Meetings attended by Directors.
Auditors Report with Annexure (CARO)
Report on Corporate Sustainability.
Management Discussion and Analysis Report.
Financials of Company (Balance Sheet, standalone or consolidated, P&L, Cash Flow)
Schedules of Accounts.
Accounting Policies and Notes forming part of Accounts.
Consolidated Accounts, if any. Schedules of Accounts.
Accounting Policies and Notes forming part of Consolidated Accounts.
Information of Subsidiary companies, if any.
Information & presentation of Shareholding of Directors, Promoters, Body corporate, Public holding, etc.
Attendance Slip and Proxy Form.
The above list is not Exhaustive but only illustrative. One can add any details keeping in mind nature of company, shareholder's composition, future prospects of company, etc.
Ashish periwal
(49 Points)
Replied 10 August 2012
sir, actually i have to make 1 presentation.
topic:Corporate Annual Reports: Legal Requirements, components, understanding and their uses for managerial decisions.
what you told is content(components) of annual report. i am asking about legal requirement of it. For ex. we have to follow Schedule VI for preparation of financial statement. in the same way is there any section that govern the CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT.