Converting figure to word in excel

Deepak.R (CA - PCC Student / Articled assistant)   (177 Points)

12 January 2010  

In day to day use of excel,in many files we convert figures in words as its a requirement for many institutions to show all the important figures into words also .While converting some times ,some errors are inevitable and sometimes these small errors may becomes the reason for loss of thousands ,due to rejection of tender or project every body things that there may be some command in excel which they does not know ,but as far as my knowledge is concerned ,there is no such command in excel as such ,by which this Job can be done.However we can do this Job by installing a small excel add in file in excel .Yes we can do this.I am doing this from last three four years,so I think I should also share this with you also .I know that many of my friends may have this utility ,but I hope this utility still helpful for many.

How to use the attached "
convert figure into word excel" from here and UNZIP IT and save the word.xla file in hard disk
2. save it in a Folder permanently.(do not change the location of file after installation)
3. Now open excel Goto Tools>add in >browse (browse the file where you have stored the downloaded the file and select the file)
4 press ok
that's all

Now to convert a figure in to words type in formula bar
=word (cell number in which figure are given)

suppose figures are given in A2 then command should be =word(A2)
that's all

You require
Win 95/98/NT/2000/XP, MS Excel 97/2000
Thanks and regards.,