Conversion of LLP to Pvt Ltd
shuba Kirthi (87 Points)
01 February 2021is there any other option to convert the LLP to Pvt Ltd . kindly advice
shuba Kirthi (87 Points)
01 February 2021
Devershi Gupta
(1272 Points)
Replied 27 May 2021
I am unable to understand your query. You want to convert LLP to Pvt. LTd. but error you are asking for is related form 8. If you are still facing any problem, please clarify on what matter you need help.
Neha Rajan Redekar
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(4386 Points)
Replied 18 October 2021
Since you are getting error in filing Form 8, please check whether you have mentioned correct financial period. In your case it will be 04/07/2020 to 31/03/2021