Conversion from pcc to ipc if 1st group is clear

vanita (student) (117 Points)

11 February 2013  

I have cleared my 1st group under PCC in Nov 2011 & now want to convert to IPC, so my queries are: -

1. Can we download the form for conversion from online even if the Bar Code No. of the Form is same for each & every downloader ?

2. Will the Conversion Fees of Rs. 500/- will be same for conversion of only 1 Group ?

3. How will I have to score in subjects Costing, Taxation & ITSM in order to clear the said subjects under different groups in IPC ?

4. How the marks of Accounts subject will be presented in the new course of IPC for the reason that the same Accounts subject is bifurcated into two under different groups ?

5. Will I have to wait for my new registration no. of IPC, to quote the same in my exam form to be submitted before 27th Feb 2013 or I can immediately post my exam form after the process of Conversion Form ?