Hi Shridhi,
Tried explain in following way;
A consolidation of financial accounts is a financial reporting technique that helps a firm summarize all operating data under a single set of financial statements in accordance with industry standards, accounting principles and regulations. This technique covers all subsidiaries, segments and areas of which a corporation owns more than 50 percent.
Account consolidation is a financial accounting and reporting process that helps a company's top management, investors and regulators understand the economic standing of the company and its affiliates. This process covers all four corporate financial statements---balance sheet, statement of income, statement of cash flows and statement of retained earnings. For example, a company may consolidate the balance sheets of all affiliates into a single balance sheet.
No statue has made consolidation compulsory even AS 21. As per Sec 212 of Companies Act, financial statements of Holding company should include financial statement of subsidery also. It has not made consolidation compulsory.
However as per listing agreement Consolidation is required.
Thanks & Regards
Jaideep Pandya