Consolidated Salary, Stipend and Leave encashment Querry

vivek (Assistant Professor) (35 Points)

26 February 2010  


I have recently started work as a consultant Senior Program Officer with a NGO and earn Rs 80,000 / mth consolidated inclusive of Rs 24000 HRA and 800 TA. My daily work involves lot of driving (excess of rs 6000/mth expense on petrol and 4500/mth driver) and communications. These expenses are not reimbursed to me. I pay rs 15,000 /mth as rent.

I have also accumulated savings of  Rs.103500 in various savings scemes such as LIC/NSC/PPF etc.

Can I show these as expenses against my income and claim rebate on the same? What are the expenses that i can show against my income and save tax.

Anotehr querry regarding

  • Rs 120,000 I had received as stipend from a European university ? Is that taxable?
  • Rs 75,000 received as Leave encashment from central governement at time of completeion of residency. Is that taxable? Is that taxable?

I havent been able to find much information on internet on these topic
