What are the consequences if Subscriber to MOA & AOA does not want to subscribe to Share Capital of the Private Ltd. Co. and as a result of this, the Paid up Capital of Co. is Zero from past three Years.
Vicky (Senior Manager) (69 Points)
26 June 2009What are the consequences if Subscriber to MOA & AOA does not want to subscribe to Share Capital of the Private Ltd. Co. and as a result of this, the Paid up Capital of Co. is Zero from past three Years.
sudhir gautam
(CA Final)
(145 Points)
Replied 26 June 2009
Dear Friend
The company can be incorporated as company limited by share capital and limited by gaurantee. In the case if company is limited bu share capital then no way share capital remain zero at aleast two share should be taken by promoters. and in other case they appear as member
sudhir gautam
(CA Final)
(145 Points)
Replied 26 June 2009
Dear Friend
The company can be incorporated as company limited by share capital and limited by gaurantee. In the case if company is limited bu share capital then no way share capital remain zero at aleast two share should be taken by promoters. and in other case they appear as member
CA Jimmit D Mehta
(494 Points)
Replied 26 June 2009
helo friends
pls forward me the board resolution and ordinary resolution for issue of equity shares at premium and also for bonus issue of a pvt ltd co.
(CA )
(124 Points)
Replied 26 June 2009
Sec. 78(2) (a) - Issue of Bonus shares out of share premium account - Board Resolution
RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 78 read with proviso to sub-section (3) of section 205 of the Companies Act, 1956, that a sum of Rs…………. out of the share premium account in which a sum of Rs. ………… is lying unutilized, be and is hereby utilized in paying up unissued shares of the company in the authorized capital of Rs. ………… by issuing fully paid bonus shares in the proportion of 1 bonus share for every share held in the company as on …………
being the record date.
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 26 June 2009
Folio No.
Name of the Shareholder
Existing No. of Shares
Equity Shares allotted as Bonus