Congratulations.... shri pankaj rawat for being in top 30 members @ caclubindia

Dhirajlal Rambhia (SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.) (180927 Points)

01 April 2019  

Welcome and congratulations to enter the list of ‘CCI Top Members’ top_members_list.

***** Gained the fruits after 21 months of Subsisting Hard working…..

*****Enlightened CCI forum members with act, law, sections and its interpretations; very well earned by 16 years of experience in the field of Accountancy, Indirect tax & related field.

***** Remained always ready to help querist to solve any sort of difficulty in GST with reference to updated section/s of  the act and latest amendments, notifications & circulars issued by CBIC.

"The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well; and doing well whatever you do…”Henry Wadsworth


Congratulations once again & Hope to see you in top 12 list at earliest…….