Composition scheme - few queries

SSG (1936 Points)

07 July 2017  




Q1. Return form GSTR-4 need to be filed by a person registered under composition scheme on quarterly basis. When the tax is to be paid by such dealer - monthly or quarterly?

Q2. Tax under reverse charge needs to be paid by composition dealer for inputs received from unregistered person. What will be tax rate for reverse charge?

Q3. As per Composition rules, the stock of composite dealer, on appointed day cannot include any goods purchase from inter state trade. While the composite dealer is eligible for doing inter-state purchase, but it cannot have any stock on the appointed day, which has been purchased from inter-state trade. What is the logic or reasoning behind it?

Q4. Point 8 of Form CMP-03, includes stock of purchases made from unregistered person under the previous law. If composite dealer is showing any stock under this table, then he need to pay tax under reverse charge on such stock?

Members please advise on above mentioned queries?