I am a composition person and if I make purchase from a composition person then will I have to pay any reverse charge?
Am I allowed to to make purchase from composition person ?
sunil balani (student) (89 Points)
23 February 2018I am a composition person and if I make purchase from a composition person then will I have to pay any reverse charge?
Am I allowed to to make purchase from composition person ?
vamsi krishna
(Article Assistant)
(268 Points)
Replied 23 February 2018
as per my understanding of law,
there is no bar on purchases from whom you have to make.
and onemore thing is, you no need to pay any tax under reverse charge if you make any purchases from a composite dealer
sujith kumar dasa
(1496 Points)
Replied 23 February 2018
Sumit Sarswat
(3154 Points)
Replied 24 February 2018
Sumit Sarswat
(3154 Points)
Replied 24 February 2018