Compliance certificate
CS Ekta (Company Secretary) (309 Points)
30 September 2009CS Ekta (Company Secretary) (309 Points)
30 September 2009Hi,
CS Vivek Hegde
(713 Points)
Replied 30 September 2009
Yes you are right...you can say the company has not issued equity shares.........
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114783 Points)
Replied 30 September 2009
Agree with Vivek. There is no doubt at all.
No formal allotment ==No issue of equity shares.
Company has recieved the share application money & didn't allotted the shares.
and Point no. 13 says about te allotments made during the year.
As company has recieved the share application money, it can not be considered as allotment.
When company in future allotes money, then the point no. 13 will be applicable.
Jyoti Aggarwal
(336 Points)
Replied 30 September 2009
ya its perfectly right as wen u made actully allotment only den u have to considered it in point 13 and there is only application money and not an actual allotment.
so no need of mention it and it is written dat there is no allotment of shares during the year.
Jyoti Aggarwal
(336 Points)
Replied 30 September 2009
ya its perfectly right as wen u made actully allotment only den u have to considered it in point 13 and there is only application money and not an actual allotment.
so no need of mention it and it is written dat there is no allotment of shares during the year.
(128 Points)
Replied 30 September 2009
Agree with Ankur Sir, Point no. 13 will only be applicable if there is any allotment made by the company during the year.