Complete Upload Procedure of e-TDS/TCS/AIR Online Return
NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited launched an online upload of e-TDS return facility enabling entities to directly furnish (upload) their e-TDS returns (Form 24, 26 and 27 only) to the TIN central system through the Internet on July 10, 2004.
Online upload of electronic statement facility can be used for upload of quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements (F.Y. 2005-06 Onwards), e-TDS/TCS returns upto F.Y. 2004-05 and Annual Information Return (AIR) (F.Y. 2004-05 Onwards). This facility is available only for entities who possess a valid reformatted 10-digit TAN. Entities having old TAN or who have not yet been allotted a reformatted 10-digit TAN cannot upload their e-TDS/TCS statements directly to the TIN central system through the internet.
- Electronic statements (e-TDS/TCS/AIR) can be uploaded online to the TIN central system only for those TANs who have been associated with the organisation and duly authorised by NSDL.
- A user can upload electronic statements online only for TANs associated with it.
- Electronic statements should be prepared as per the data structure prescribed by the Income Tax Department (ITD). The data structure is the same as prescribed by ITD for furnishing of electronic statements through TIN-FCs.
- After preparation of the electronic statement, entities have to verify the electronic statement through the latest version of File Validation Utility (FVU) provided by NSDL which can be freely downloaded from the TIN web-site. The upload file generated by the FVU is to be uploaded online.
- The length of the filename should not be more than eight characters. The filename can be alphanumeric. No special characters are allowed in the filename (e.g. name of the file can be: Form27E.txt).
- The user will login to the TIN central system by signing with the DSC associated with it. On authentication of the DSC, the user will get access to the online upload system.
- After successful login, the user will select Upload option from the main menu. The user will have to choose sub-option ‘TDS/TCS’ and upload the electronic statement online to the TIN central system by digitally signing the upload.
- If DSC authentication fails the electronic statement will not be uploaded.
- The status of the electronic statement uploaded can be viewed by selecting File Status from the main menu.
- After upload of the electronic statement the TIN central system will perform format level validations, check the TAN – User ID association. In case electronic statement is invalid or the TAN (for which the electronic statement was uploaded) is not associated to the user i.e. user uploads an electronic statement online for a TAN which is not associated with it, the electronic statement uploaded will be rejected. In case of an accepted electronic statement a Provisional Receipt will be generated which will contain a Provisional Receipt Number / Token Number and will also indicate count of missing/invalid PANs. The deductor can view/print the Provisional Receipt.
- Entities using the online upload of electronic statements facility will not submit Form 27A, CD / Pen drive for accepted electronic statements to TIN-FC or NSDL.
- This facility is not available for online upload of electronic statements for Form 24 for those entities who have to submit physical certificates for No / lower deduction of tax and Form 12 B with respect to any of their deductees.
- In case the entity is not able to upload its electronic statement using the online upload of electronic statement facility to the TIN central system, it may submit the same at any of the TIN-FCs by following the prescribed procedure for furnishing of e-TDS Statements with TIN-FCs.