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company secretary career options

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Kavin (Emplyment) (149 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010

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Kavin (Emplyment) (149 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010

now we know whom to send the mail 

1 Like

CS Jithesh (ACS,) (COMPANY SECRETARY ) (485 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010

According to me the suggestions should go through  Chapter level, because if we send some mails suppose 100 mails will not make any impact on th einstitute. 
First all  respective chapters has to make a requisition letter on behalf of all Members, So when the institute gets requisition letter from mail chapter and regional level, then they may consider the CHange of designation from Company Secertary to Chartered Secretary. For that our senior members have to assist us. Because those people will have a great hold in the respective chapters.

Along with this we can also send our individual mails.
For that we have to open one community only for CS in CA Club so that we can administer in a better way
This is my view.
With Best Regards
CS Jithesh
Company Secertary  

CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA (Practising CA at Surat) (26263 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010

Very interesting discussion !

See the simple structure : 

1. CA is authorized for Statutory Audit.

2. CWA is authorized for Cost Audit.

3. CS is authorized for Corporate Compliance. 

70% of syllabus of all the three courses are one and same. The difference is of depth level. If we give a weight of 100 to CA, then we may roughly allot 70 to CWA and 50 to CS in general. 

Except above 3 specilized area of practice; rest of areas are available to all. At least 50 different careers emerge from these three courses. 

Students should take each and every subject as a Career Building subject. They should refer different books, attend various seminars, meet various personalities and prepare their own presentation on the subjects in which they have either interest or where they wish to make their career.

It is true that indepth study is covered by CA curriculum. But who prevents CS and ICWA students to go into that depth ? They can also refer the books suggested for CA curriculum. So even those members who have not purused that much depth during their studies still the areas are open for them to get indepth knowledge about those subjects. In my opinion; after qualifying; reading becomes pleasure because now their is not tension  to score marks.

In majority of cases, CS course is undertaken by either CA students or ICWA students simultaneously. Hence a casual approach is there towards the course in general. Rest of students who join CS; are those who hardly read books and study materials for more than 4 hours daily although they don't go for any training.

So in my opinion; a change in attitude is necessary. I am glad to note that some students are ready to make a CS forum. Yes, it is a dire need for CS profession. At branch levels, the infrastrucutre is required to be improved immediately.  Unfortunately the marketing part of CS institute is poor. By forming a forum by the students; they can change it soon because members are not initiating due the lack in numbers and time constraint.

Students and their parents think that this course is suitable to metro cities where companies are situated. In B class cities, the number of companies are very less hence it is thought that this course is not suitabale to B class cities.

The matter is altogether different practically. In majority of cases; very few CA firms  have audit work for whole of the year. Hardly they devote 3-4 months towards audits.  The rest of areas in which they are engaged are suitable to CWA and CS members also if they wish.  Only practical exposure is required which can be undertaken even after qualification.

In my opinion - 

1. CS can go for internal audit/continous audit if they have interest in these areas.

2. CS can also go for project financing. (This subject is covered in CS final). Try to score highest marks in this subject so that if question is raised during interview show your mark sheet which will prove that you have interest in finance also in addition to corporate laws.

Hence, please don't blame the profession. You all are brand ambassador of the CS profession. The Institute is formed from members and  members create prestige for  the profession. CA institute is known as well managed and this management is made by its members.







Kuldeep Sharma (Service) (48 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010



It's really great that pepole like you are there to look into these mails & guide us. I don't feel that this entire excerise was to blame the CS profession or the CS Institute. It was more of sharing the ideas that each one of us has. 



umesh vyas (B.Com., LL.B., A.C.S. ) (210 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010


Six lac companies are there in India and 25000 Members of our ICSI, so I can't understand why there is lessor opprtunity for our qualified members!!!!

Either CAs superiority complex deprives us or our inferiority complex???


Plz reply Sir.

Umesh Vyas

CS-Professional Programme Student



Kavin (Emplyment) (149 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010

Hello SURENDRA Sir,,

thank you very much for your contribution .. 

CS VIGHNESHWAR M (Employed) (21 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010



I completely agree with the words of Mr.Surendra…we should have a right attitude and approach. In continuance with Mr. Kuldeep idea of changing name of CS, Icsi has come with 5 new names (2years back), ICSI asked for members approval but don’t know why the name remained same. In that 5 names chartered secretary also there.

With respect to cs profession promotion ICSI every year coming with new idea earlier they did promotion through radio program, articles about Cs in both local and national level, now they are promoting through business channels. They appointed student counselor, in those places where satellite office doesn’t exists.

With respect to industries the level promotion I don’t have any idea. That promotion should be done by us i.e. members by accepting the new challenges and giving solutions to that. We should not be cost center in organization we should be revenue center.


In our discussion we are not telling how to promote cs name in industry or society.

If members come up with there thoughts as Mr. Kavin give few mail ids we can send that, even we can send to chapter levels also.

There are people who are ready to accept new thoughts our present president is a person who accepts new ideas.

CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA (Practising CA at Surat) (26263 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010

Thanks for your comments. 

The major problem with CS students is that they don't take the course as real profession.

 Most of them are job seekers.


In my opinion;  the profession of CS is one of the most luxurious job.  Right now a practising

CS has good corporate clients. He has direct interaction with Directors because he is only

Secretary in the company.  Hence he can easily develop his vision.  He should think for

business rather than salaries and perks.  He should accept challenges as CAs take. This is

required change in attitude of CS members and students. 


Hence there is a need to organize a forum for the benefits of  not only members but

students. A national level Students' forum is desired.  


I will be happy to note if you take some concerete steps to form such an organisation.

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Replied 14 April 2010

gud jithesh sir

CS Jithesh (ACS,) (COMPANY SECRETARY ) (485 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010

Thank You :)

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani (Landmark Group) (23502 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010

Earlier CS was about to end though it was not true. But now the scenario has changed as many of the students are gettting into CS too as an additional course with CA.

one more reasons to do CS is many people does not differentiate into CS & CA. i.e. Many people think that CA would be tough so better to go for CS

Krunal Raichura (Financial Advisory) (2134 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010

CS or for that matter anyone can work with investment bank or stock broking firm or Banks or even an insurance company.... but surely...everyone would have different profiles. CS has its own place, so does a CA, an MBA, an engineer etc...

Krunal Raichura (Financial Advisory) (2134 Points)
Replied 14 April 2010

Dear Kavin, Can you please elaborate as to what work you exactly want to do and in which type of firm?

Kavin (Emplyment) (149 Points)
Replied 15 April 2010

Hi Krunal,

I wanna get into stock broking .. after i complete my training .. but the discussion is not jus for me . there will be many CS Students who discover their interest after joining the course .. they will learn bout forex management in their course material and they might discover that they should have a career in Forex Management .. another student might love Taxation and might wanna have a career in taxation ... and many more students might have many more interests .. 


But these students will not get an opportunity .. companies wont recruit Company Secretaries as they dont think a company secretary is fit for any other job profile other than secretarial job ... but they would hire a Chartered Accountant .. As Mr. SURENDRA  said .. 70 % of the syllabus is all the same for CS/CWA/CS ... But for company secretary career options are far far less compared to CWA or CA 

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