can a pvt ltd company issue further equity shares upto the limit of its authorised capital?
if yes whats the procedure and rules for the same..........................
CA Jimmit D Mehta (Employed) (494 Points)
24 June 2009can a pvt ltd company issue further equity shares upto the limit of its authorised capital?
if yes whats the procedure and rules for the same..........................
sudhir gautam
(CA Final)
(145 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
First of all prepare list of allotee to whom share has been issued and then file the form 2
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114783 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
Best Regards
CA Jimmit D Mehta
(494 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
hi ankur,
thanks for ur reply but can the company issue new shares at premium
if yes, is there any different procedure from the procedure given by u....................
CA Jimmit D Mehta
(494 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
hi ankur,
thanks for ur reply but can the company issue new shares at premium
if yes, is there any different procedure from the procedure given by u....................
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114783 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
Yes shares can be issued at premium and the procedure remains same. When you fill form-2 mention the amount of premium accordingly.
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
Dear Jimmit
Yes u cam allot shares at a premium and when u file Form-2 u must show the price and amount of premium in list of allottees attached therewith.
CA Jimmit D Mehta
(494 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
thanks sir,
can u provide me any sections which evidence the same.....................
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
Dear Mr. Jimmit
If you see Form-2 regarding allotment of shares at premium, it is required to disclose premium amount.
CA Devanshi Gandhi (Ajani)
(9060 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
yes it can issue
(CA )
(124 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009
HIi JImmy
ya sure a Private limited co. can issue shares upto their Authorised capital
the procedure is as follows
1. go to
2 download form 2
3 fill it and attach the list of allottes with it
4 have the digital signature on it from CA and the managing director
5 and then upload it