Company Forms in comparison

Rachana (CA Final) (434 Points)

16 August 2010  


The different Company Forms in comparison

Objects Non-profit activities Charitable, Literary, Scientific, etc Charitable, Socially beneficial
Statute/Law Indian Companies Act 1956 Societies Registration Act 1860 Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950
Alternation of objects Complex legal procedure Simple procedure Normally only Settlor can modify
Formation Complex procedure, 3-6 mths. Simple and easy Simple and easy
Management Formalities of Company law have to be observed. Few restrictions imposed under the Act Very few restrictions imposed under the Act
Meetings To be held as per provisions of law which are quite extensive. Annual meeting as per law and Rules of the society No provisions laid down
Penalties Various offences and lapses attract severe penalties. Few offences and penalties have been prescribed Very negligible
Legal Status Full legal status Legal status with certain limitations Legal status with limitations
Statutory Regulation Exhaustive but mature Very limited Nominal
Removal of members Not possible without consent Possible without consent Not applicable
Dissolution or takeover by state Very difficult Possible Possible