Dear Richa,
I am not fully satisfied with the above 2 answers.
Let's discuss in detail.
Section 224(6) talks about Filling up of casual vacancy.
1. If vacancy caused by resignation of auditor before the expiry of his term it is required to be filled by General Meeting (EGM) by ordinary resolution. No special resolution is required for this. In fact section 224A is entirely a different case.
2. If vacancy is caused due to any other reason like death or disqualification of auditor u/s 226(3) then it may be filled by board of directors in BM and shareholders approval not required.
Removal of Auditor under section 224(7) read with section 225.
There may be 3 kind of removal in companies act.
1. Company may remove Ist auditor in GM by passing OR as mentioned in section 224(5). for this special notice is not required. Procedure of sec.225(2) & (3) shall apply.
2. under section 224(7) a company may remove statutory auditor before the AGM with the prior approval of CG. for this also special notice is not required. Procedure of sec.225(2) & (3) shall apply.
3. Lastly an auditor may also be removed by the company at the AGM as per the provisions of section 225(1). Special notice is required for the same and procedure given in sec. 225(2) & (3) required to be followed.
As at the AGM the removal is in the handa of shareholders and not in the hands of management. That's why law exempts the CG approval for this. On the other hand in removal before the expiry of the term he may be removed by management unreasonably for not agreeing to management's wrong demands. Hence CG's approval is required to prevent auditor's independence.
Hope this discussion will help you.
Best Regards--Ankur Garg ankur_gargcs @