Dear Friends,
Is Companies Act 2013 applicable for December 2013 CS Executive Exams.
(CA Final Student)
(47 Points)
Replied 27 October 2013
(82 Points)
Replied 28 October 2013
Do not worry companies act 2013 applicable from june 2014 exam only.
CA CS Himanshu Khandelwal
(SAP FICO Consultant)
(705 Points)
Replied 28 October 2013
I am also giving exams for the Professional module in December 2013.
And I noticed on the ICSI website that the Highlights of Companies Bill are applicable for the professional Module having attempt due in December 2013
But not sure whether they are applicable for the Executive module or not.
But you can check that on the ICSI website for more clarity.
Siya Gandhhi
(439 Points)
Replied 07 November 2013
Plz share with ur CS PP Frnds as many as possible,
Hi Frnds (CS EP n PP-old n new), plz ref. authenticate study material from icsi.
We dnt hv trendy ppr style.
Gen. obsrvation,
1. 25 marks=past 10 attemps Guideline Answers
2. 25 marks=Latest Suggested Answers. As of now Latest CS PP SA r 2011
3. 25 marks=Self Test Questions given at the end of each Chapter.
4. 25 marks=Absolutely new Q.framed from entire Module, Student Company
Secretary, site updates.
Above marks allocation may vary in terms of 5-10 marks interchange in 1 to 4.
Study pattern;
1. Module=read at least once. (If u hv nt, dnt wrry, nw u hv no tim, cool, study only above mention Q.A. as many time as u can)
2. Module Self Test Q.=do page marking and read those para twice at diff period of time
3.Past 10 attempts (5yrs) Guideline Answers=read it twice at diff period of time
4.Suggested Answers=read it twice at diff period of time (Sply. read it 3rd time on prev day of exam)
5. Keep with u while studying above 1 to 4, Shuchita Prakashan Scanner for Chapter priority analysis.
Now u can hv SA 2011 and GA from J 09 to D 11 from:
siyagandhhi1206 @ gmail . com
U'll hv 2 buy J 12 to J 13 from icsi delhi store-contact 01204522097 by sndg DD @ 70/- per book.(3 books @ 70/-=210/-)
Prepare Self Test Qs. by doing page marks.
Think that u hv to obtain 55-60 marks from 75 marks coz 25 marks Absolute new Q. will be chance and 75 marks Qs. are surely known.
Read all these these Q.A. twice.
** Prev day of exam read SA2011 thoroly.
Module I Easy
1. Company Secretarial Practice 100marks Do well to score 60%
2. Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings 100 marks Do theory so well that practical will automatically prepared- score 55%
Module II - Diffcult
3. Financial, Treasury and Forex Management 100 marks Do theory and formulas very well to score at least 60% of what is attempted(e.g. 60% of 60 marks) and prepare practical in such a way tht u score at least 45% of what is attempted.(45% of 40 marks)- u can score 54%
4. Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency Part A 70 marks Part B 30 marks its bit difficult and scoring also prepre so well that u can score at least 55%
Module III Difficult
5. Strategic Management, Alliances and International Trade Part A 40 marks Part B 20 Marks - Part C 40 marks lengthy and difficult to remember so ull need to read twice.
6. Advanced Tax Laws and Practice Part A 30 marks Part B 50 marks Part C 20 marks concerntrate on Part B and Part C very well and take risk in part A coz they ask anything in Part A which is not given in Module or scanner.
Module IV - Easy
7. Due Diligence and Corporate Compliance Management 100 marks 8. Governance, Business Ethics and Sustainability Part A 50 marks Part B 30 marks Part C 20 marks
This is syllabus for Professional-Final C.S. Now,
1. there are two subjects in each module
2. you have only 4 attempts before change of new syllabus to pass Prof.Prog. i.e. upto June 15
3. go strategically to pass and work hard but smart study 4. choose 1st and 4th module to appear in Dec 13 and appear 2nd in June 14 and 3rd in Dec 14 coz 1st and 4th are easy to pass and 2nd and 3rd are diffi to pass and 3rd is having Tax, and tax will always have amendments to be searched from various site or from site of ICSI, hence select 3rd in Dec 14 coz by the time December comes all the clarity on amendments are available easily.
5. if u choose to appear 1st and 4th then, in 1st Module Paper 1 is Co.Law its very interesting and easy to score. There are annexures given at back of each chapter, dont read in detail, read at glance. Paper 2 is scoring like practical. Prepare paper 1 thoroly to get 60% and prepare paper 2 where u can score 53-55%. in module-IV again there are parts so concentrate on parts and do very well and its comparatively easy so students take it lightly and they fail in this group by very less marks in aggregate say, btwn 4 to 9 marks.
6. thn choose Module II in Jun 14, Module II is difficult. Prepare FM theory very well as they ask 60-75% of theory and 85% of practical so there is good scope to attend wht is comfortable to u. CRI is boring but u can make it interesting by reading twice coz its scoring.
7. Then in module II in Dec 14, it is diffi. Tax is A.Y. 2014-15 i.e u have updated ready material. Again, concerntrate on Indirect Tax very well and International Tax coz in Direct Tax they ask anything for which v r not prepare. In S/M, its lengthy and to som extent boring, therefore study this subject vry hard.
Books to read:
1. Module of all the subjects are must at least one reading is must students are not reading module, its fashion for them but blive me its very good and max qsn are from module only
2. Solved Scanner by suchita prakashan are excellent support before examination
3. Purchase Suggested Answeres from institute after u get the CC certificate per suggested answer = Rs.70/- Note: please read latest module series, e.g. 2010 or 2011, 2012,2013 inquire at store @ 01204522097 about latest series of module and order as soon as possible.
Series is mentioned at the end of the module in form of CC question papers Preparation:
1.Study small parts first ie. 20-30-40 marks so thoro that you can score at least 70% of it and the no.of chapters to prepare is also less and it takes less time to prepare then big part
2.Study big part later ie. 50 marks-after small part start this-read imp.chapters as per the priority graph given in Shuchita Prakashan Scanner-Green Edition.
Passing is not diffi, Frnds.
Cool ..... Dont worry :)
All d best, Frnds :)
(30 Points)
Replied 24 November 2013
Infact I m in the same boat....but on the icsi website it says that only higlights will be m going by what is posted on the website..
Siya Gandhhi
(439 Points)
Replied 25 November 2013
Dear Friends,
Please note that applicability of Companies Act 2013 is from June 2014 exam for all Executive (Old+New) and Professional.
Please also note that there are 98 sections which are implemented on 12th Sept. 2013 by MCA.
The comparative chart is enclosed herewith, all students are requested to please go thru' the same and also study these 98 sections from new Co.Act 2013 to be safer side.
In December 2013:
"Clarification on applicability of the Companies Bill, 2012
The Companies Bill, 2012 is not applicable for the December 2013 session of examination. The syllabus for the exams would be based on the Companies Act, 1956. The highlights and important provisions of the Companies Bill, 2012 may be asked in the question papers."
Please also note following for Tax Law updates;
We are having only 2-3 attempt to complete CS under old syllabus (2007) and at this stage we can't afford to take risk. Its always better to study littel extra than not studied or less prepared for exam. I wish all my friends pursuing CS (Executive and Professional) pass with flying colours with all the material available by ICSI.
Friends, please study authenticate study material by icsi (Module+Guidelines+Suggested+Updates).
Feel free to contact for any acadamic help related to CS;
siyagandhhi1206 @
bhushan gosar
(24 Points)
Replied 01 May 2014
Companies Act 2013 applicable for CS Dec 14 attempt?