Comp. Engg. + C.A. <-- Never Heard

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Amit (61 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Secondly Skanda dear , it was not me yaar to call digital fun -a is of some one other Rahul.u can check from IDs.take care

CA. Arul Mozhi Varman (Consultant) (291 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Well Rahul, me too don't like to disturb the intellectness of this site.

Lets be friends and enrich our knowledge.

Opinion differs

My opinion is not CAs are below average

Below Average students are attempting CA. I stress "Attempting CA"

Brilliant Students like you and me are "Passing the CA"


Be Cool and be friendly!

Amit (61 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Very sorry dear Arul.i m very very very very very sorry dear.Surely friends.take care.and forgive me for writing what i did.

digitalfun (49 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for input from every member, I think now I am known as Digitalfun, anyways. I was buzy with work for past few months and was not able to check this forum.

Skanda Subramaniam, I have completed B.Com last year via Distance Education, so you can add me in the list of people you met who have done B.E + B.Com.

Madhu, Thanks for that very thoughtful reply, I find lot of similarites between two of us, I think "hum dono ek hi naav ke savaari hai" (Guys, take it in a good way), I read the post where you have mentioned that you also do Yoga, that is really good for mental well-being, I would recommend that to Rahul too, or for that matter to any T-o-m, D-i-c-k and H-a-r-r-y. Jokes apart, Best of luck for your exams, God Speed.

Kudos! Arul, Congratulations on your achievement. Rahul on the other hand congrats to you too, I dont mind you calling me a fool, as the saying goes "its a fools paradise" don't be sorry, but remember words one said 'cannot' be taken back, words are the reflection of what you are, so if one starts to inculcate good manners, in the long run it is benificial to onself and one's surrounding. India is badly in deficit of talented people.

By the way, I am Tejas.
drop me a line or rants at digitaltejas @

Auf Wiedersehen.

Tarun (CA Practice ) (166 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

A computer engneer and a ca can be a very awesome and a good combination.

C.A. being a specialisation u need to have something more than basics.

There is no problem in going for the course but think twice as there is no point in turning back after an year of rigorous study.Though being a long streched course
it provides u with cutting edge over ohters.

And ur decision for MBA alomgwith is truly worth as this is quiet a good .

this course also requires a lot of self study too.

Wishing all the very best.

Gaurav Rkh (19 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hi rahul
my name is gaurav
i am working in bpo induatry
but i planned to be join ca
as i believe there is a will there is a way

so i cong u on yours sucees
best of luck for future

Gaurav Rkh (19 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hi my name is gaurav, i works with bpo indus since 2003. i have reg myself in 2006 for ca(pei). give suggetion is there age matter for that


Gaurav Rkh (19 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hi sorry for reply onces more time
i believe in hard working as in my case i never opted for the carrer beacuse i use to
work early in my grad between due to family problem. but bettween period i afraid of defeat. but now i decided failure is there . why not try my hard works to it
why  i say all things because of u my friends if i started my carrer today with that
why not u

just forget what the people say

i don`t know what all abt life

life is full of struggles , just go with that

i believe u win the battle

i have inq from u if u know abt pe-1
how to apply for that tell me

reply if u have any suggettion

my opt. email id is gaurav_rkh @

Nitin Soni (Author Speaker & Entrepreneur)   (882 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hi all
this concept of c.a. + mca is deadly..  ye talaab ke maindak kya samjhenge..   i think this will be the most upcoming concept..  i m also doing c.a.(pe 2)  and seriously considering it..!!
dare to dream!!  and the world will follow u!! even these "....." will...

Nitin Soni (Author Speaker & Entrepreneur)   (882 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hi all
this concept of c.a. + mca is deadly..  ye talaab ke maindak kya samjhenge..   i think this will be the most upcoming concept..  i m also doing c.a.(pe 2)  and seriously considering it..!!
dare to dream!!  and the world will follow u!! even these "....." will...

Naveen Setia (19 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Hi all

I read out this thread today. I am glad( :K) to know that there exist some people who have thinking like me. I am also planning to do C.A. + M.C.A.. At present, i am in C.A.(Final) and my attempt is due in May 2007. On the other hand, i have completed PGDCA and DOEACC(O & A LEVEL) and now considering to doing MCA.

There are lot of opportunities for C.A + M.C.A. as the RBI is going to mandate the ISA(Information System Auditor) course for the Bank Audit. It requires an extensive knownledge of Computer.

Any body who wants to discuss about this new combination(C.A + M.C.A) contact me at [url]setia_naveen @[/url]

Your response will be highly appreciated.
:D :K)

Vikram Doshi (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

now i wanna say onething first go ahead and do ca
my one of the uncle is having ca+be

Naveen Setia (19 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007


Doeacc 'A' level is equivalent to BCA and not equal to MCA.

Further, what i have to choose between MCA and ISA and that I will choose after completing my C.A(Final).


digitalfun (49 Points)
Replied 18 July 2007

Hello Friends, This thread brings back old memories, after lot of brainstorming I chose to get myself enrolled for CA course, because of the work and other commitments, I did not take the sunday tests, I am through with it this time, am taking the Nov 07 PE-II exam, will kick start preparing from this monday (22nd July), I need all the luck and best wishes from all of you. There is a lot of confusion among the youth regarding MBA and CA degrees, considering the hype that Indian media has created for MBA, and all the hoopla about MBa, for them I would like to share my rational of choosing CA rather than MBA. First, people need to know that CA should not be compared to MBA. Role of CA is entirely different than that of an MBA. The major difference that I would like to stress on is, CA is a certified auditor, whereas an MBA dosnt have any such official designation. An MBA is a masters degree for business administration, as the name suggest, the role of an MBA is to manage businesses and not that of an auditor, one can put it in this way, MBA's are the people who make and implement company policies and internal controls, whereas, the role of a CA is to certify that the internal controls are in place and the financial position reflected in financial statements is true and fair or otherwise. Second, Not that CA's are only auditors, they can choose to become consultants too, the role of CA is not just limited to auditing. Third, but not last, Now a days even CA's have opportunities that of an MBA and are paid in par with MBA's from premier institues. There are many other subsidary benifits like trust and respect of mass public because of CA being very respectful and been here for ages. The very next move from my side would be to complete my LL.B degree (currently in 2nd year) and simultaneously pursue CISA (Certified Information System Auditor) and then wait and see whats in there next for me in this exciting profession. For all those who are new to this thread, I am Tejas, B.E.(Computers) by degree, entrepreneur by instincts and an artist by birth. Kidding! One can read more about me on my blog, & Students and Members, I am open to suggestions, interested in social and business networking and other exciting opportunites. Regards, Tejas. digitaltejas @ Hello: 932 47 30336 / 996 09 47256.

denziljacob (18 Points)
Replied 03 August 2007

Hi, I know a Chartered Accountant who is practising at Ernakulam, who is a CA + LLB + BE + many things more. I dont know how many years it took for him.His name is K P Paulson.He is a popular guy in Ekm.So shudn't be a problem tracing him out. Y dont u check him out.

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