Communication with god - a simple way

GAUTAM DEY (Be Patient, Live Life) (17309 Points)

06 June 2012  



< How to talk with God >




God wants to communicate with you. That is why you are reading this. It is no accident that you are here. This is a special moment in time. God has been calling you for a long time. God planted a seed inside of you a long time ago and you can feel this seed awakening as you read these words. When you were a child there was probably a moment when God spoke to you and you knew it was God. You felt God's call, but you didn't know what to do. You have always known you were going to do something important, but you didn't know what it was. Now you will find out God's plan for your life.

Growing up you tried to communicate with God, but you kept missing something. You learned how to pray and ask God for things, but you didn't know how to listen for God's voice. God is speaking to you now in a tender thought process inside of your mind.

You can stop reading if you want to. That’s what evil wants you to do. Evil doesn’t want you to get close to God. Evil wants you isolated from everybody. Evil wants you to think that there is no God, or if there is a God, God is mad at you. But if God were mad at you, you wouldn’t be feeling excited to read on.

You may have sought God in a religion, book or person but you ended up feeling frustrated. That seed God planted never awakened. God's presence seemed to elude you. But still from time to time you could feel God touch your heart. Somehow you knew God loved you.


 How to talk with God 

To talk with God we've got to seek Him. To "seek Him" means to make a special effort to find Him.

To Talk with God, the first thing we need to do, is set aside some time and go somewhere quiet, where we can be alone with Him.


 Alone with God 

We need to find a suitable place...

Finding a Suitable Place

How are we going to talk with God if there are people, noise and distractions around us?

Here's some solitary places, you could try:

·   Parks & cemetery's often have quite areas and benches to sit on.

·   Out in the countryside there are plenty of quiet places.

·   We could walk into the middle of a field.

·   Go out in the car and park somewhere away from people and noise.

·   Out in a boat.

·   Up a mountain or hill


 Right Attitude 

If we want to talk with God, then we must seek Him with the right attitude. God is not a fool. If we set out to talk with Him with a half hearted attitude, then we can't expect Him to turn up, can we?


 Openness and Honesty 

There's no point trying to talk with God, if we are not speaking the truth. Nothing is hidden from Him, He knows absolutely everything, including our thoughts! So lets be completely honest and open, and speak to Him truthfully from our hearts


 Confessing and Repentance 

I think it’s best to start our talk with God by thanking Him (for creating us, giving us life and thanking Him for who He is and what He stands for etc). Soon after this, we should confess our sins. We need to tell Him about specific sins we've committed and ask Him to forgive us. We must also be willing to turn from these sinful ways (repentance).

If you've done something wrong and it's on your mind, tell God and ask Him for forgiveness (remember God knows everything, so trying to hide anything is pointless).

Confessing isn't just saying sorry, it's saying - I did it, I admit it, I shouldn't have, it was wrong, I'm guilty.

Repentance is basically saying -  "I'm going to try my hardest, not to do that again"

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


 Don't make Promises 

Don't make promises to God. How many of us make promises and then regret it? or break them?  It's not a good idea making promises to God. Instead of saying "I promise not to do that again", its better to say "I'll try not, to do that again".


 Speak Out 

When you talk with God, speak out loud (not so everyone else can hear though). If it's not possible to speak out, then pray in your mind, as God can read your mind (He knows your thoughts remember), but it's much better for you to speak out if you can.

Tell God everything that's on your mind, if you need help about something, ask Him for help. If something or someone is bothering you, just tell Him, He wants to hear.


 Thank Him 

Talking with God is a great honour, meeting with Him a great privilege, lets thank Him respectfully.

God made us to know Him, He wants us to seek Him and develop a relationship with Him. This is How to talk with God