Communication Quotes
Speak softly, But Carry a big stick. - Teddy Roosevelt
Diplomacy is thinking twice And Saying nothing. -Unknown
Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin
Better silent And Thought a fool Then speak And Remove doubt. -Lincoln
The greatest truths are the simplest. -Hosea Ballou
First learn the meaning of what you say, And Then speak... -Epictetus
Be sincere; Be brief; Be seated. -Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Use soft words And Hard arguments. -English Proverb
Brevity is the soul of wit. William Shakespeare
Fear False Evidence Appearing Real -Unknown
We have nothing to fear But fear itself. -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Think before acting. Hear before judging. Listen before speaking. -Unknown
Think much, Speak little, And Write less. -Italian Proverb
Examine what is said, Not him who speaks. -Arab Proverb
Fences and arguments Always have two sides. -Unknown
Speak softly while others are shouting -Unknown
This above all: To thine own self be true. -Shakespeare