

Studies has shown that only 7% of what is communicated is transmitted though the words. 38% comes through the tone of voice and 55% of communication, the largest part, is a result of physiology or body language.

The facial expressions, the gestures, the quality and type of movements of hands, head and body of the person delivering a communication provided us much more about what he is saying than the words do themselves.

APPEARANCE: The first impression of you will be your appearance. Your appearance is a communication. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. A number of research projects have confirmed that, people from their initial judgment about you in less than ten seconds.

EYE CONTACT is important and natural expression of your interest. Closing your eyes during communication in a sort of extended blink is not desirable. Avoid looking here and there during conversation, and don’t look direct in the eyes of opposite person for more than five seconds, but keep your eyes on his/her face.

POSTURE: Sit or stand on your full height. An aligned, erect posture communicates ease. If you stand, be balanced equally on feet, rocking or swaying can be distracting.

GESTURE need to look natural and spontaneous. Avoid nervous gesture. Find your nervous habits and eliminate them. Also avoid unnecessary gestures. Gestures are used to reemphasize a point if you are gesturing unnecessarily then they lose their impact. Your facial expressions, the movement of your head, hand and eyebrows (your body language) should be in harmonious with your words.

VOICE: We can pick up a rich variety of information from a person’s voice, their mood their general state of health, their social class. In a communication your voice, tonality, adds energy and interest. Use your voice congruently which your words, learn to pause deliberately, it should not seen unusual

NAME: What is the most important and sweet word in our language? It
s your name. Use people's name emphatically and thank them by their name.

AVOID Nervous Verbal Gestures like Hush
umm Mmmm ‘’ sniff etc. and avoid cliffhangers and long sentence s. Most people have difficulty following the sense of sentence spoken with more than 18 words.

Avoid word “I” use word “YOU” In your conversation