Hey can someone tell me who is the best tutuor for DT and IDT in pune and when they r going to b conducting their batches
sydlima@gmail.com (none) (59 Points)
27 November 2011Hey can someone tell me who is the best tutuor for DT and IDT in pune and when they r going to b conducting their batches
Prajyot Pandit
(Divisional Manager- Finance)
(184 Points)
Replied 30 January 2012
definately both Vishal bhattad n dippak gupta sir both r good teachers for IDT
n VB sir is taking batches at AS foundation, DG sir batches r announced by Zaware classes last year
REgards COsting BEst teacher of pune n Ngapur is No doubt Rakesh AGrawal sir @ as foundation, Sanjay sir of Eten virtual center is a very good teacher
Prajyot Pandit
(Divisional Manager- Finance)
(184 Points)
Replied 30 January 2012
So far As DT is COncerned , Virtual batrch OIF vinod gupta sir is good option. but in pune u canget get Classroom coaching of Jayesh gupta sir, which is very fanatastic option
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